My 2 Middle Daughters

On this week’s episode of The Dead Life I have two special guests. My first special guest is my middle daughter Fallon DuBois and joining her is the young lady I use to refer to as my “Fourth Child”, the talented actress who played Bridget on MEDIUM, Maria Lark! Fans loved all three actresses who played my girls on MEDIUM but they held a special place in their hearts for Maria, their quirky favorite little personality on the show.

Maria Lark
Maria Lark

Maria Lark played ‘Bridget DuBois’ on the television show Medium. Maria has since left acting in favor of academia. After earning a degree in English and Art History from the University of St Andrews in 2020, Maria will be moving to the DC area to volunteer in localized and community-focused charities while preparing applications for a PhD in English. To keep up with Maria’s adventures, follow @lark_maria on Twitter.