Pet Communicator: Susan Allen Part 1
Today, yours truly will be talking to Susan Allen, Pet Communicator! She’s back to talk to us about animal communication and she’s going to tell me what she picked up on, my daughter Sophia’s cat Honey! I can’t wait to hear Susan’s assessment of the kitty who rules Sophia’s house! Stick around, you’re going to hear a pet reading right here!
If you want to leave me a message that might be shared on a future episode of The Dead Life and my Love Me, Love Me Not segment, leave it at 802.DEAD.811 802.332.3811.

Susan Allen
Susan Allen is an internationally renowned Psychic Medium & Animal Intuitive.Connecting with Spirit, Susan consistently delivers powerful messages withgentleness, compassion, warmth, and wit, providing healing, peace, and closureto her clients. Having spent decades cultivating her innate spiritual gifts, Susandraws from her experience as Reiki Master, Ho’oponopono Practitioner, Authorand Life Coach. Susan works with individuals and groups from celebrities todoctors, professional athletes to moms, families, and more.